Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mehadrin Buses - A Chareidi Perspective - Part III

What about the violence?
Firstly, it must be pointed out that all the unpleasentness is not on the private lines. I have travelled these buses and sheruts for years and nobody has ever, ever had a complaint. Why should they, it's private.
What I have seen is on the Egged routes, someone will get on and sit in the wrong area. After a while, a fellow passenger may approach him/her and point out that this is a Mehadrin, while politely requesting that they move their seat. I have even seen, and I stress that this is only rarely, the offending passenger refuse to comply. So somebody else attempts, and still no go. So he shrugs his shoulders, as if to say, "Nu, what can you do. Some jerk has to be a nudnik". End of story. I have, after many years, never seen a case of someone forcibly evicted, nor of any physical fights, spitting or even name-calling. I don't claim that it doesn't occur, but this must be approached in perspective. The chareidi community, by and large, is non-violent and tolerant with regards to nudnik jerks.
What to do about the violent ones? I don't believe there is anything you can do. They are individuals and are basically impossible to identify. Public declarations do not register with them. Bans and cheirems don't apply because they are unidentified.
In addition, this has nothing to do with mehadrin. A thug doesn't need to see a good arangment violated to get angry. He can get just as easerly angry with no arrangement at all! Stopping the system does nothing to appease him.

More in next post..

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